Licensing Hearing


Monday, 9 August 2021


Notice of Decision



6.               The Determination of an Application by Mr R C Price for a Section 52(2)  Review of a Premises Licence at 59 - 63 Walmgate, York, YO1 9TY (CYC-060429)


Meeting reconvened remotely in private session at 6:10 pm on 9 August 2021.


PRESENT: Councillors Hook (Chair), Galvin and Myers


RESOLVED:       (Option 1) That the conditions of the licence be modified, with the existing Condition 26 to be removed and replaced by the following condition:


                             “A documented noise management plan shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Public Protection Department of City of York Council within two months of the premises licence review decision date.  Once approved it shall be implemented.  The noise management plan will also include a procedure for investigating noise complaints.”


The full reasons for the Sub-Committee’s decision will be included in the detailed written Decision Letter which will be provided to the Applicant, Licence Holder and Representors in due course.


There is a right of appeal for the Applicant to the Magistrates’ Court against this decision. Any appeal to the Magistrates Court must be made within 21 days of receipt of the Decision Letter and sent to the following address:


Chief Executive

York and Selby Magistrates Court

The Law Courts

Clifford Street

York YO1 9RE
